Do Jocks Also Win at Work?
Good at pitching, on and off the field

Student athletes experience faster salary and seniority growth in the five years after graduation compared to their non-athlete peers.
Student athletes are more likely to demonstrate management and communication skills which can propel them onto a faster track for career progression.
The attributes honed through years of athletic dedication, such as effective communication, leadership, teamwork, and a goal-oriented mindset, equip student athletes to succeed in sales roles.
Throughout their college years, student athletes work consistently to balance their athletic and academic commitments. What distinguishes student athletes beyond their athletic achievements are the exceptional qualities they develop during their collegiate journey. This week, Revelio Labs delves into the competitive edge of student athletes and how the skills they acquire during college position them for success in their future careers.
Using our workforce data to examine the career trajectories of student athletes five years after they graduate, we find that they experience faster salary growth compared to their non-athlete peers. This enhanced salary growth is largely attributed to their accelerated seniority progression.

Student athletes exhibit exceptional attributes, such as discipline, teamwork, and resilience. These qualities not only support their athletic performance, but also position them to advance quickly in their professional careers. When we analyze the disparities in skill sets between student athletes and their non-athlete counterparts, in addition to sports-related skills including coaching and fitness training, they are also more likely to demonstrate management and communication skills which propel them onto a faster track for career progression.
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Student athletes are not only ideal candidates for sports-related positions, but can also utilize their skills effectively in sales roles. An analysis of our workforce data shows that, relative to other students, former athletes are more likely to start a career in sales, taking roles such as Sale Representative or Sales Associate. The attributes honed through years of athletic dedication, such as effective communication, leadership, teamwork, and goal-oriented mindset, can help them succeed in sales roles. Their collaborative experience with teammates and coaches, coupled with their natural drive to excel, can yield impressive outcomes in achieving sales targets and fostering enduring customer relationships.