How Corporate America is Helping with Babymaking
Women care about fertility benefits, and companies are noticing

The share of job postings mentioning fertility benefits has nearly doubled since 2021.
Adoption and surrogacy assistance is the most common fertility benefit offered, while IVF and egg freezing assistance remain relatively rarer.
Companies offering fertility benefits receive higher ratings from their female employees and are rated especially highly for compensation and benefits.
The demand for fertility services, ranging from IVF to egg freezing, has been surging. While most companies offer traditional family benefits such as maternity leave, it may be time to adapt to the changing demands of the workforce. By providing fertility benefits, companies can improve employee well-being and satisfaction, especially among female workers. In return, they might reduce attrition and have an easier time in workforce planning. This week, Revelio Labs explores whether companies are responding to their employees’ demand for fertility benefits and how providing such benefits impacts employee sentiment.
Examining job postings data, we find that companies are indeed advertising more fertility benefits. While only around 0.6% of US job postings in October 2023 specifically mention fertility benefits, this number reflects a remarkable increase of 94% compared to the figures from just two years earlier. This surge underscores companies' responsiveness to the heightened demand for fertility-related services.

Fertility benefits can encompass many different services. Looking into what types of fertility benefits are offered by companies, we find that adoption and surrogacy assistance are the most frequently mentioned benefits, representing 58% of the fertility benefits offered. Meanwhile, 33% of companies offer access to family and fertility planning services. However, only around 5% of companies specifically mention IVF and egg freezing assistance in their job postings—a benefit that, as more women delay having children to focus on their careers, may be increasingly in demand.

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Adding new benefits comes at a cost to employers, making it more accessible for larger employers to incorporate fertility assistance as a benefit. Looking into the sizes of companies offering fertility benefits, our data shows that larger corporations are the most likely to offer fertility benefits. Of the companies that do offer these benefits, 49% have more than 500 employees, while only 14% have fewer than 50.

There is no doubt that fertility benefits are highly sought after, but how does offering fertility benefits impact employee satisfaction? Revelio Labs finds that companies listing benefits such as fertility planning and assistance, IVF/egg freezing, pregnancy loss support, and menopause support in their job postings are more highly rated by female employees than companies that do not. Female employees at these companies are most satisfied with their compensation and benefits, but also rate their companies as having better culture and diversity than female employees at other companies.

As fertility benefits become increasingly popular among employees, companies of all sizes may find that offering them in the course of their workforce planning may help to attract and retain the best talent and promote gender diversity in the workplace.