Revelio Labs x USNews: Companies With the Happiest Employees
Culture and compensation are both big drivers of workplace happiness

Many companies provide their employees with benefits, perks, and flexibility to foster employee satisfaction. In our recent collaboration with USNews, Revelio Labs looked at a combination of less tangible factors like feelings of fulfillment at work and a sense of community, alongside material factors like good compensation, to identify Nvidia, KLA, Zoom, Atlassian, Enphase, and Qualcomm as the companies with the happiest employees. But how about the runner-ups? Here are the full rankings of companies according to the relevant HR data.
Total compensation
We rank each company by its relative compensation – the percentage of its workforce above its industry’s median salary. Enphase offers the best compensation, followed closely by Nvidia and KLA.

Fulfilling work
Feeling fulfilled at work is an abstract concept, but it is one of the most important determinants of how you feel about your workplace. Revelio Labs previously wrote about how meaningful work is the key driver of employee satisfaction. We can measure fulfillment by tracking employee reviews for mentions of fulfillment in positive and negative contexts.
Zoom’s employees mention fulfillment in positive reviews more than other companies, our HR data show. Zoom allowed families and friends to stay connected through the pandemic and has enabled employees to work from home, so it’s not surprising that its employees feel fulfilled by what they are working on.

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Sense of community
Feeling connected to the community is another key intangible component of employee satisfaction. Similar to the fulfillment metric, we use employee review texts to measure the sense of community at a company.
Qualcomm has the best sense of community, but it’s closely followed by other happy companies like Nvidia and KLA.

Key Takeaways:
- In our partnership with USNews, we identified Nvidia, KLA, Zoom, Atlassian, Enphase, and Qualcomm as the companies with the happiest employees, combining factors related to company culture and compensation.
- Enphase, VMware, and NVidia are the leaders in providing exceptional compensation.
- Zoom's employees feel the most fulfilled, while Qualcomm’s employees report having the best sense of community.